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Showing posts from January, 2018

[January 2018] Four players

The year started with a rather simple draft with players who hadn't drafted before. J.A., J. and P. all knew how to play Magic, but they are not invested in the game. That's why I picked a draft pool of less interesting stuff that would work fine during the draft. The pool was: • Amonkhet (1) • Ixalan (2) • Magic 2015 (1) • Fate Reforged (3) • Origins (4) • Battle for Zendikar (1) One issue when drafting with new or returning players is the logistics of the whole process: Reading cards and understanding them takes much longer, and evaluation is much harder to get when you have no background to compare things. Because of that, we didn't have time to draft all three rounds, but it was a good experience nevertheless, as everyone seemed to have fun. Since most people are now rather aware of Hearthstone's Arena, it seems like a decent way to frame a Magic draft, but given my almost absolute lack of knowledge of Hearthstone, I can't really help players work with ...