I really enjoy Chaos Drafting. For those who don't know what it is, Chaos Drafting is a way of drafting with random Magic: The Gathering packs. As you know, limited in MTG is designed with certain mechanics and interactions in mind. Limited is a tuned format that depends on randomness and evaluation skills within a specific framework. Chaos drafting, on the other hand, adds more randomness and removes the fine-tuning of limited formats. That doesn't mean that it becomes a luck-based format, but rather that card evaluation doesn't really depend on the specific format you're playing. Instead, you have to make ad-hoc judgments, sometimes as if the card were in a vacuum, sometimes by assessing the lack of synergy and parasitic interactions between cards from an underrepresented set within the draft.
So why is this fun? For one, as a player you have to adapt to an environment of little coherence (somewhat reminiscent of the old days of Magic). Cards that sometimes make little sense in a specific format can become excellent options during a chaos draft. Cards you'd rarely see suddenly appear as hidden gems you'd love to have in your deck. The unexpectedness of chaos drafts makes the format a lot more appealing to me: Unoptimized, raw and plain fun.
As I have amassed a decent amount of sealed boosters from different expansions, my idea for this blog is to keep track of my chaos drafts, its decks and fun pulls. Hope it's fun for anyone else interested in chaos drafting too!
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